About Me

Hi! I am David, and this page tells you a bit about me.

I am a 13 year old Christian guy and I like Legos, Lord of the Rings, Doctor Who, and Minecraft.  I used to make stop motion movies and then I stopped for a while, but I am going to start making more soon. I enjoy movies, games, and books. I also enjoy art and like to draw.  

Anyway, I made this blog to show people my Lego and Minecraft creations, and to talk about Doctor Who and Lord of the Rings.  Well, I hope you enjoy!
Oh, also if you see this normal black text then it's me David.

And if it's like this, then it's ME!!!

 Dude you didn't introduce yourself!

Ohhh, sorry! I am LegoMe! The best person/minifigure EVER!!!

 Yes, umm if you want to know more about LegoMe then look at the right side of the screen.

 HEY!!! I found out how to make faces! :P  :D  =P  =D  XD  :() 

 Oh no... --_--

HEY!!! I like that one! --_--  --_--  --_--  MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :P

 Oh brother......

1 comment:

  1. Nathaniel KauffmanJuly 22, 2013 at 2:46 PM

    Just started reading this blog it rocks!!! I heard about it from my mom who is friends with your mom on facebook:)


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