Friday, November 29, 2013

Thankfulness List

Hi all this is my list of things I am thankful for. =D

     I am thankful for...

1. Jesus dying for me

2. My Mom and Dad

3. My brothers

4. My sisters

5. My Grand Parents

6. My friends

7. That I have a home and people that care for me

8. That I am alive on earth another day


   oh okay =/

tanks :)

1. that david let me right my own list

Its David with a capital D, and write.  --_--

 2. that i... umm... well i dont know what else to write : /

Good so you're done now, right? 

i guess...

 Great! well, happy thanksgiving day!!!

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Hi all!  I'm sorry I haven't been posting lately, I have been working on a GIANT Lego project.  I am almost done with it and then I'll post it.  Stay tuned and have a great day!

       Happy Thanksgiving Day!


Sunday, October 6, 2013

Denver Downs

Yesterday I went to Denver Downs with my family.  It was really fun!  There is a corn maze, and lots of other fun activities.  When we got there we had lunch then we did different activities.  We were going to do the maze but it was too hot so we went to the zoo.  After we left the zoo we had dinner and by that time it was dark and cool enough to do the maze.  The maze was so big that we were in it for about an hour and a half!  Then we went back home.  It was a lot of  fun and if you would like to know more about Denver Downs then you can click here!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Minecraft Isengard!!!

I just finished building Isengard (from LOTR) in Minecraft!!!

Here Is a picture looking down at it:

 Here's the entrance:

 This is  the first floor:

I don't know what to put in the first floor. (but if I think of
something the I'll post it )

This is the library:

 This is Saruman's Throne room. (You might remember
it from the movie)

 There's his Throne:

There is a redstone teleporter that takes you to the...


 And this is another cool picture:

I hope you liked it, and if you have an idea for the first floor then please let me know in the comments.  Thanks!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Happy Birthday!

Today is my little brother's (Noah) birthday!  He is now seven and is having a Lego party. you can read more about Noah by clicking HERE