Monday, July 29, 2013

LegoMe doesn't like cowboys???

I went to play with my Legos when I heard some shooting and found this.

I asked LegoMe why he was killing cowboys and this is how it went.

"Why did you kill the cowboys?"

"Because they stink!"

"And why do they stink?"

"They just do!"

"Dude it's not nice to go around killing people."

"I don't care.  I just don't like them."

"Why don't you like them?"




"Ok... That's a good reason."

Then the conversation ended there...   And for once I agreed with LegoMe...  It is not nice to steal cookies...



Thursday, July 25, 2013

Another Lego LOTR picture.

Here is another Lego Lord of the Rings picture! Its at Minas Tirith during the attack.  The last Lego picture I posted wasn't very good with the background so I made it better.  It also said to leave a comment if you found LegoMe in it but I didn't get any comments! So I made him a bit easier to find (More like a lot easier!).  Remember to comment if you see LegoMe! (Because I want to know how hard/easy it is to find him.)

Picture of me.

Hey all! My sister Hannah Grace took a picture of me for the About Me page.  Enjoy!


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Scene from Lord of the Rings in Lego!

This is a scene from LOTR in Lego.  It's in the third movie where Rohan goes attacking the orcs that are attacking Minas Tirith. (Try to see if you can find LegoMe! If you think you found him then let me know in the comments.)


Hey all! These are some pictures of LegoMe that I got.  Hope you enjoy!

He let me take this picture of him so you can see what he looks like.

 Here he is swimming with my pet turtle.

I sneaked up on him while he was watching TV.

 Then he saw the flash and got upset.

Well, that's all of them that I got of him so far, but I'll get more later!

I added these pictures to the LegoMe Pictures page and I'll keep adding LegoMe pictures to that page as I post them on the blog.

Monday, July 22, 2013

My First Post!

Hi! This is a screenshot of a Minecraft creation I made. It's the Mines of Moria from LOTR.  This is the entrance. I will post more pictures of the inside later ( I am still building the inside).  Hope you enjoy!

HEY!!! When are you posting Lego pictures?

Maybe later...

Well you better warn me before you do! I don't like getting my picture taken...

(Sorry about the guy interrupting with the blue letters.  It's LegoMe and you can read more about him in the About Me tab!)