Monday, July 22, 2013

My First Post!

Hi! This is a screenshot of a Minecraft creation I made. It's the Mines of Moria from LOTR.  This is the entrance. I will post more pictures of the inside later ( I am still building the inside).  Hope you enjoy!

HEY!!! When are you posting Lego pictures?

Maybe later...

Well you better warn me before you do! I don't like getting my picture taken...

(Sorry about the guy interrupting with the blue letters.  It's LegoMe and you can read more about him in the About Me tab!)


  1. WOW!! You have done a GREAT job setting up this blog. I can't even do this much by myself and I have been blogging for years. Ha Ha!

    I love the list of things that you like. That is about everything that is on my daughter's list. She is 14.

    Good luck with your blog and have FUN!!

    Pat (Friends with your mom on facebook )

  2. I'm so happy I found your blog!! My 7 year old grandson LOVES Legos... I'm always looking for ideas of cool things we can make together. I'd love to see some of your lego pictures.

  3. Welcome to the Blogsphere, David. I'm also a fan of Doctor Who and Lord of the Rings.

  4. cool I am a fan of the lord of the rings to.I am looking forward your next pictures :) yours Ced

  5. Hey Koala! This is a super cool blog and I cannot wait to see more of yours [and LegoMe's!] adventures.

    -Tree XOXO


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